An Evening Examination of Conscience. (2.)

Some time ago, there was an argument in a certain country about the presence of crucifixes in schools. The argument was spurred by both parents and teachers who were of the opinion that such things affect the proper development of children. For many, the mere presence of the picture of Jesus or the cross in a classroom amounts to indoctrination. This was the beginning and foundation of the many sad and terrible news we continue to hear from that country.

If indoctrination in the faith has been considered a crime against humanity, history has shown that this “crime” is not the greatest problem affecting man. In fact, what we do not realise is that Satan and his agents have perfected various strategies and subtle means to control thereby performing his own silent indoctrination.

This brief exercise of examination of conscience will help you see this for yourself.

Question One:
How would you define the good life? Or let’s put it this way: What is your definition of a successful person?

Does any of the following align with your response?

1. Having so much money to spend freely on the greatest luxuries, being able to buy the latest of everything that comes out (technological gadgets, expensive clothes and jewellery, cars, electronics, etc.).

2. Being able to live in a big fine house located in that part of town considered as “for the rich” such as those we see in the movies fully equipped with all the state of the art accessories such as swimming pool, gym, bar, relaxation spot, just name it.

3. Being able to eat the best food, maintain the most attractive shape and have “fun” however and whenever you want to, being able to access activities that bring about the tickling of the senses, laughter and wild pleasures (especially that which involves risk, out of the ordinary or against the God’s commandment) or in one word, being able to feel high at will.

Do you notice how you aspire for and dream about the above things every day? Do you also notice that this definition of the good life has NOTHING to do with being close to God, personal sanctity or perfection in virtues?


Satan has made us believe that whatever is cheap is of no value. So as long as it doesn’t cost a thing to be holy, it is not important and it is not worth striving for.

When did we stop respecting people simply because of their holy way of life? Since when, did our definition of successful people preclude those who may not have money but are rich in virtue? Thanks to Satanic indoctrination, the world is where it is today.

Question Number Two:
In all honestly, deep down within you, what is your definition of a perfect Dress? Most likely, you have never thought about this before but this would be an eye-opener for you.

Does any of the following apply?

1. Attractiveness. A good dress is the type you wear that makes people turn their faces twice when you pass such as a see-through. A good dress will make the ‘right’ people pay attention to you.

2. Beauty. A good dress brings out your beauty such that if you were to put on something else, you would no longer feel you are beautiful. Some dresses make you feel like your grandmother. Isn’t it?

3. Respect. A dress has to be expensive or exotic so that when you appear on them, you will not be taken for granted. Isn’t it? If it is not a designer dress, then it isn’t worth wearing. A dress can either reduce or increase your self-esteem. Abi?

4. Shape. A good dress for you has to emphasise your bodily features (or “assets” as they say, as if the human body has become a commodity of commerce.), such as the length of your legs, your tattoos, the size of your breasts or buttocks, the firmness of the muscles in your chest or stomach and so on.  Isn’t it?

Part of the satanic indoctrination in our world today is a mind programming that prevents us from thinking straight; a mind programming that unconsciously denies the dignity of the human being as a person rather than an object (a piece of art). This mind programming happens continuously and silently through our modern forms of dressing.

I would like to drop a few comments about tight dresses or skin-fitted as you may call it.

God never intended that we should wear clothes from the beginning but when sin entered the world and man was forced out of the Garden of Eden, he became aware of his nakedness and for that he had to make clothes to hide this nakedness.

Today, clothes no longer hide nakedness, they reveal, decorate and emphasise it. A piece of cloth may cover one’s body but when it becomes so tight as to reveal the exact shape of the body then all it has succeeded in doing is to change the colour of the skin rather than hide nakedness.

Have you ever seen a snake before? Would you say a snake is wearing a dress? But it actually does as it sheds of its dress (that is, its perfectly fit outer skin) from time to time. Dresses of today are just like this outer skin of a snake and Satan has succeeded in convincing our fashion designers to make them available while we just buy without thinking.

Must you put those stark naked or half-dressed life-size busts on display in front of your shop? Aren’t there more decent ways of attracting customers? Why must you promote clothes you cannot even stand your own daughter wearing? Is it just all about the money?


To end today’s examination of conscience, you may just want to ask yourself: “How does my dressing lead me as well as others to a deeper love for God my creator or on the other hand, how many people did I show my nakedness to or were affected by my dressing today?” 

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