CELEBRATING THE CROSS. (Homily for MONDAY of the 24TH Week in Ordinary Time, Year B. 2015). Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.

Bible Study:  Number 21:4-9. / Philippians 2:6-11. / John 3:13-17.

How often do you look at the cross? Do you even have one in your home, your car or your office? What feelings are evoked in your heart when you look at the cross? Has the cross become a mere decoration for you? Or a part of your dressing? When you look at the cross, I do not know what you see but I want to tell you what I see whenever I look at it.

I see Jesus looking sad and wretched hanging with both arms outstretched and his head facing down. I see his blood dripping down from his side and I see the crowd staring, laughing and making mockery of him. I see the soldiers doing their job and dividing his cloak among them. I see Mary standing around the corner looking intently at her son and the sword piercing through her soul. I see the tears of Jesus, I see his exasperation ad his inner distress. I look at his face and I hear the seven words he spoke on the cross:

1.         “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
2.         “Today you will be with me in paradise.”
3.         “Behold your son: behold your mother. ”
4.         “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?.”
5.         “I thirst.”
6.         “It is finished.”
7.         “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”

Then I ask myself; “if Jesus can forgive right there on the cross, why do I still hold grudges against people for their minor offences?” . Why do I think that people should not insult me or spit at me when my Lord himself suffered all this in silence? Who do I think I am that I do not deserve to be offended by others? What hurt would people do to me that is greater than that of Jesus such that I shouldn’t forgive?

I look at Jesus on the Cross and I realize that He is God himself yet he forgot he was God and decided to be humble and so obedient even to the point of dying. Then I ask myself. “Why do I complain so much when I am given an assignment that is not so comforting to me? Why am I such a proud person?. Why am I constantly saying to people; “Do you know who I am?” Why is that I find it hard to admit my guilt like that thief on the cross to whom Jesus said: “Today you will be with me in paradise”

I look at the Cross and I see Mary being held by John at the foot of the cross and I remember how Jesus handed over his own Mother to us. Then I wonder why do I forget to say my rosary? Why do I push my mother aside in the name of we should not worship her. Why do I believe that the pain I am going through could be more than that of Mary looking at her most beloved Son dying on the cross? I look at the cross and I realize that my burdens and difficulties are really light and I should not dare to complain like the Israelites whose complaints brought down the anger of God over their lives.

I look at the cross and I remember how Jesus cried, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken Me” Then I ask myself, ‘Why am I so impatient and anxious when I pray and I do not get immediate answers to my prayers?’.  As at when Jesus was saying this, he was fully human and he had the belief that God had betrayed him at that point in time but when we read the story today, we have the big picture in mind, we are the ones who know that God did not betray Jesus after all but that the pain he felt was necessary. Then I ask myself again, “Why do I believe that unless God takes away all my pain and make my life a bed of roses, then He is failing in his duty? Why do I believe that I no longer deserve to suffer any more in this life because of my loyalty and faithfulness to God? Why do I get angry with God and feel that he has betrayed me when things do not go my way when in the real sense of the word, my pain is really necessary for me?

When I look at the Cross, I hear again the cry of Jesus “I thirst” and I feel touched more than ever before. When Jesus said he was thirsty, his thirst was beyond the physical need for water. He thirsted for me, he thirsted for my salvation, he thirsted for my soul, he thirsted for my attention, he thirsted for me to put him first in all I do and not to push him aside. This was the kind of water he needed. But what did he get? Laughter and mockery, instead of water to relieve his pain, he got venigar. How sad? Instead of my undivided attention, what do I give to Jesus?  I turn my back at his cross and carry on my daily business, I laugh at him and make jest of him, instead of my love, I give him indifference, I do not care about his words the bible and I allow sin to control my life. I know he thirsts for my soul, but I do not soothe his pain, I rather add more salt to his injury by forsaken the name I bear as a Christian. What a shame?

I look at the cross again and I hear the words, “It is finished.” Then I ask myself again, :Why do I live my life on earth recklessly forgetting that one day I would be on my dying bed and say “It is finished.” Why don’t I think of what my life shall be when this earthly journey is over? Jesus knew at this point that he has completed the task before him. “It is finished.” Means “I have done it.” “I have obeyed to the end.” “I have completed the race.” Why don’t I ask God for the specific assignment he gave to me and also finish it like Jesus did?

The last words of Jesus “Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit” are words I say everyday during my night prayers (the Divine Office) yet, it has never occurred to me all this while that these words were copied from the lips of Jesus right on the cross when he was about to die. What makes me think that I will not die? Why is that I do not want to hear of death or prepare for my own death yet everyday I do not realize that each time I say my night prayers and go to bed, I am doing what Jesus did. If I was told I would not see the next morning, I bet you I will not have a sound sleep, I would stay away all through but I must stop deceiving myself and accept that my death would come one day so all I need is simply to be prepared.

Dear friends, the words of Jesus on the cross helps us to understand the cross better. The next time you look at the cross, do not just stare at it like a piece of wood, rather stare at the scenario, look beyond the image you see and focus on the real Jesus. Listen to these seven words again and I bet you, you would not only look this time, you would receive healing as well just like the Israelites did when they were bitten by the serpents. We are beaten by different kinds of serpents every day, yet we have not just an ordinary golden image made by Moses which foreshadowed Jesus, we have the real thing now. We have Jesus himself with us, what then stops us from receiving strength anew? Is it the case that there is no cross to look at or that we are looking without seeing?

Let us Pray: Jesus, as we celebrate your cross today, help us to reverence your cross. Help us to re-enact your act of humility, obedience and sacrifice out of love for us. May our lives not be riddled with complaining but learn each day to carry our daily crosses so that one day we too may be qualified to enter your paradise in heaven. Amen.

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, I take my daily crosses, I welcome the monotony, discomfort, disappointment, tensions, set-backs that may come to me if only to remain with you. You suffered to be my Redeemer. Help me suffer to be co-redeemer of my fellow man. Amen.

Good morning. Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. Happy new week.  

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