PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. (Homily for SATURDAY of the 23RD Week in Ordinary Time, Year B. 2015).

Bible Study:  1ST Timothy 1:15-17. / Luke 6:43-49.

It is one thing to hear God’s word but a different thing altogether to practice it. Jesus says to us today: “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’, but not do what I command?” This is a question that is so relevant even in our very day.

A lot of us Christians are very devoted, we fast for long periods and pray a lot, we are regular at church services but we do not keep God’s words to the letter. When we pick up the Bible to read, we tend to remind God of his great and beautiful promises to us, we love to quote those passages that pronounce blessings on us. We forget that as much as we expect God to play his part, God also wants us to play our part by practicing what we read in the Bible.

Much of today’s Christianity is about how to receive favour from God, how to destroy ones’ enemies and so on. There is no emphasis on the doing of God’s wishes. It is like God is just a piece of wood, you shout at him when praying, you command him to send down fire, you tell him to prove his worth by blessing you, in short, failure to obey God only goes to show that we are simply USING him rather than WORSHIPING him. A Christian who expects so much from God and does not practice the word in his life is like a building that has no foundation. One day, this building will crash, and the pagan in him will be exposed.

The major obstacle keeping us from practicing what God’s word demand is the LACK OF BELIEF IN OURSELVES. We tend to laugh at the possibility of ever doing exactly what the word of God requires but the simple truth my dear friends is that PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. First, we must tell ourselves continuously that it is POSSIBLE. This positive self-talk becomes the motivation that inspires us to push on, we keep telling ourselves that we can and we keep making our best efforts. Soon, we get used to following God’s word to the letter.

Have you ever seen a baby learn to walk before? At first you pity for him but after several falls, you notice the baby keeps trying. God has already programmed into our nature long before we were born the spirit of never-giving-up on goodness. Since when did you start assuming that it is impossible to keep God’s words? Since when did you believe that lie of Satan that there are no holy people today? Since when did you fall into temptation and sinfulness on the basis of everybody-is-doing-it?

Come to think of it. If Satan has not yet given up on you but continues to tempt you everyday left, right and centre, why should you give up on yourself? Why should you assume that you cannot become a SAINT? Why be a mediocre Christian (simply satisfied with doing the barest minimum)? Note that if you do not aspire for Sainthood, you can never make it.

Christianity is not just meant to bless us, it is meant to change us! Unless we are changed from within, unless we practice what we believe, we are not yet converted.

How can this inner change take place? By the constant training of our minds. We need to feed our minds on a daily basis with rich food, hear God’s words and assimilate them. We need to constantly train our minds to believe that IT IS POSSIBLE TO DO EXACTLY WHAT GOD DEMANDS. As Jesus says: “A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.” You see, the heart is like a store, it is what you keep inside that determine the life you live. If you store goodness, you live a good life but if you store evil, if you continue entertaining immoral thoughts, if you feed your mind with unholy pictures, if you keep feeding it with lust for riches or worldly music whose lyrics are very much opposed to moral values, you only end up never rising above sin.

Change your mind today and watch how your life changes as well.

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, help me not just to listen to your word and expect blessing thereby deceiving myself but help me to follow every word and practice in my life accordingly. Amen.

Good morning. Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. Happy weekend.

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