Have you ever done something that you wouldn’t have done ordinarily or acted in a particular manner because of something you drank? For instance, if drinking a bottle of an alcoholic drink can make you stagger and if it so happens that you cannot but stagger no matter how hard you try whenever you drink that bottle, it means you could be controlled or possessed by the alcohol.

Now, if alcohol can possess a person, food can also possess, even fellow human beings can possess. It is just a question of who or what is in charge of your inner being.

A lot of things that happen in our world today are not mere signs of modernity. Our age is experiencing an unprecedented upsurge in demonic activities in such a large scale that it is now almost impossible to read the handwriting on the wall. Over 90% of all the bizarre news that we hear about and quickly gloss over as “normal things” have their deep roots in demonic possession.

Satan no longer goes about wearing black and red with horns on his head as he is often depicted in the movies. His chief weapon today is DISGUISE. Satan loves it when we laugh over and sweep under the carpet the very things that eventually bring about our destruction.

It takes a spiritually alive soul and a discerning heart to detect when the devil is at work!

Beneath those seemingly ‘harmless’ jokes, beneath those ‘funny’ pictures and short video clips on facebook, beneath those ‘adults-only’ whispers, a lot of DEMONIC EVANGELISATION is taking place, softly and tenderly, yet terribly destructive in the long run. Have you noticed how you are tempted to start thinking or acting in a sinful manner after spending a few minutes glancing through your friends’ posts on facebook or whatsapp?

Or let’s put it this way, “when last did you experience a temptation?” Almost impossible to remember, isn’t it? That is because we have become used to accepting as ‘normal’ these satanic ploys and tricks that we fail to realise when and how we are being tempted.

If you believe in God, allow God to take absolute control of your mind. Let him be the Landlord of your inner space. If you understand the fact that nothing unclean can ever enter heaven, and for this, a soul is sent to purgatory for cleansing, then why do you allow unclean things into your mind where God himself wants to take residence? How do you feel if you are guest in a home and right in front of you, your hosts begins to joke over an issue that affects you personally, or begins to insult your parents? Can light and darkness dwell in the same place?

Satan uses very subtle means to drive God away from our hearts just so that he and his agents can take possession thereby make you do things that you ordinarily would not do as well as things you have promised yourself never to do again.

Be awake in Spirit, Be Conscious, Be sensitive even to the slightest form of the corruption of immorality. Don’t be a victim of demonic possession!

Written by: Fr. Evaristus Abu.

Pass on if you consider helpful…

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