LENT DAY 11: FOUNDED ON SOLID ROCK. (Homily for February 22, 2016. Feast of the Chair of St. Peter)

Bible Study:  1st Peter 5, 1 to 4. Matthew 16, 13 to 19).

The secret of a long-lasting building lies in its foundation. Whatever will stand strong must first begin with a solid foundation. Christ himself spoke about building on sand as against building on solid rock. (Matthew 7, 24 to 27). So when he wanted to build a church, he selected a Rock for its foundation. That rock is what we celebrate today.

“You are Peter, and upon this Rock, I will build my Church. And the powers of death shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16, 18. Within this statement of Jesus Church lies the secret of the success of the Catholic Church. Just as it was not flesh and blood that told Peter who Jesus really is, it is not flesh and blood that sustains the Church. Kingdoms have come and gone, yet the church remains!

For those who believe that there is no power in the Catholic Church simply because we do not display signs and wonders or go on television to advertise miracles, it would interest you to meditate on the words of Jesus to Peter in today’s Gospel passage: “I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16, 19.

Today there are a lot of church springing up here and there everywhere not founded by Christ and established for the wrong motives. Peter himself admonishes ministers in the first reading NOT to see the church as an avenue of making money or exercising control over others but instead as an avenue to serve God’s people as their shepherd. And we know a good shepherd by the very example of his life. Jesus said it plainly: “By their fruits, we shall know them.” Matthew 7, 20.

Yes, we know them by their excessive love for money, their private jets and luxurious mansions, their craze for the latest fashion and designer shoes and suits, even by their hairstyle and choice of vehicles, by their wastefulness and scandalous spending all in the name of doing God’s work! Yet Jesus said “Carry no purse, no bad, no sandals.” Luke 10, 4.

Let us Pray:
Lord Jesus, touch the hearts of our ministers that they may not be led astray by the love of the world but truly shepherd your flock to right pastures. Amen.

God bless you. Good morning. Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. Happy new week.

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