LENT DAY 8: YOU DON’T NEED SIGNS AND WONDERS TO REPENT. (Homily for February 17, 2016. Wednesday of the First Week of Lent)

Bible Study:  Jonah 3, 1 to 10. Luke 11, 29 to 32).

There seems to be an emphasis on signs and wonders today among Christians. Virtually everywhere you turn, you see an advert by some “powerful” charismatic man or woman of God calling you to attend a crusade with a promise of miracles, healing, breakthrough, deliverance, testimony etc. and you see the picture of man or woman of God so boldly printed that you almost mistake it from a political campaign advert.

But, despite the multiplicity of signs and miracle centres in our world today, the heart of man remains wicked and we never stop seeing evil happening on a wide scale in our society. It appears that people only attend these crusades to watch movie and shout “Amen” to exciting prayers and then return home to remain fixed on their vices.

Seeing miracles happen is supposed to move us to tears and to repentance, hearing people give testimony about how God buttered their bread and moved them from earning peanuts to millions should ordinarily make us love God more but that is never the case. Miracles and testimony only help to idolize the pastor or priest. They only help to make gods of ordinary men and women, fuel their pride, enrich their pockets and give them basis of saying things that are not true in the name of prophesying.

Jonah preached repentance and the people of Nineveh repented without questioning. But Jesus preached repentance and the people demanded for signs and wonders. He told them the only miracle they need is the miracle of Jonah. That was the miracle that happened when Jesus himself died and rose and again on the third day and this happened thousands of years ago.

So what miracle do you still need now in other to repent from your sin?

Let us Pray:
Lord Jesus, may I be content simply with the sign of the cross on which you died and repent from anything that keeps me stuck in my sins. Amen.

God bless you. Good morning. Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. 

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