WITNESSING TO CHRIST IN A TROUBLED WORLD. (Homily for May 2, 2016. Monday of the 6th Week of Easter.)

Bible Study: Acts 16, 11 to 15 and John 15, 26 to 16, 4.

In a law court, when a person is being accused of something or being tried over an act that he supposedly carried out in the past, there are usually persons who are brought to the stand to relate their own versions of the event. The words of these persons who are called witnesses become very powerful in that they can either prove the innocence of the accused or they further compound his guilt.

Today, Jesus Christ calls us his witnesses. We are to work side by side with the Holy Spirit in spreading the TRUTH about him to the world.

The question is: How are we to be his witnesses if we are yet to understand him fully? How can we talk to people about Jesus without first talking to Jesus himself? How are we to stand up for him, if we are not convinced about him as the answer to the world’s deepest yearnings? How can we witness to him if we do not abide in the Holy Spirit?

Our first reading today records how our fathers in the faith carried out their duty as witnesses in the region of Macedonia and how the Holy Spirit used them mightily to bring the leading men and women of the city to God. They give us an example of how we are to witness for Christ.

However, as Jesus himself said, witnessing to him comes with its own downsides. There are definitely roadblocks along the way. It is not funny! There are certainly people who will be ready to kill you all because you are talking about Jesus. Jesus said: “even people who kill you will think they are doing a service to God.”

That is to say, our greatest persecution will not come from atheists but from people who claim to believe in God. Even from fellow Christians. Today this is already happening. There are now churches everywhere run by motivational speakers, businessmen, witchdoctors etc. disguised as men and women of God.

Within the church, many are campaigning for the loosening of morals, many who preach that fornication before marriage is not a sin, many who use the church as entertainment centres inviting comedians, musicians and worldly artists to give the sermons, imagine that many today are advocating for same-sex marriage, ordination of women, approval of abortion etc.

Check out how these persons respond when resisted? They respond by viciously attacking those who are sincerely following God in spirit and truth. St. Athanasius, whose memorial we celebrate today, had to face great persecution in his fight against the Arian heresy. This was a heresy that was almost tearing the church to pieces and it all began from within the church.

The persecution Christians face today is not just being hanged or burnt at stake, but the persecution of having to keep quiet or conform to the degradation of moral values and disappearance of truth in our society. The real persecution is that the church has lost its integrity and respect in the eyes of the society and it no longer commands moral authority or able to call people to order.

Dear friends, let us be on our guard and live in a manner that truly represents us as witnesses for Christ.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may give a good account of my faith by my words and by the example of my life. Amen

St. Athanasius, pray for us.

God bless you. Good morning. Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. Happy Workers Holiday.

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