CAN A BLIND MAN LEAD A BLIND MAN? (Homily for September 9, 2016. Friday of the 23rd week in Ordinary Time.)

Bible Study: 1st Corinthians 9, 16 to 27 and Luke 6, 39 to 42.

The success of St. Paul as a great evangelizer came from the fact that he did not simply preach, he allowed his preaching affect his own life. That is to say; he practiced what he preached unlike the hypocrites Jesus strongly condemned.

The best form of preaching is the preaching that does not involve words. I may tell you how dirty your shirt is and keep repeating it all day without any impact but when I decide to wear a clean shirt myself, you will be the one asking how you can get a clean shirt as well.

Jesus says, if you want to help your brother take out the speck in his eye, first remove the log that is in your own eye so you can see clearly to help your brother. Good preaching begins with an examination of conscience. Most times, before I start preparing my daily homilies, I use the readings of the day as a torchlight to my own life and I begin to see areas where the readings are calling for change.

To my surprise, people tell me I was just talking to them but the truth is that I know I was basically talking to myself. I know that I am also guilty of what I am preaching about. As I encourage others to change, I strive to change myself. This is why I tend to use the personal pronoun and I even ask myself questions during my homilies.

What good will it be if I preach to others and help them get to heaven while I catapult myself to hell? What good will it be if I do the things I condemn with my mouth? What good will it be if I am just a signpost? St. Paul says: “If I preach the Gospel, that gives me no ground for boasting.” The fact that I am a priest will not make God give me preferential treatment on judgment day.

So as I preach, I must exercise a great deal of self-control like an athlete who disciplines himself in other to win the prize. I must make sure I do not fall into the same sins I preach about. “I pommel my body and subdue it, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”

Let Us Pray:
Lord Jesus, open my eyes so I can be a better leader everyday. Amen.

Good morning. Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you.

Fr. Abu

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