IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO DO GOOD THAN TO OBSERVE THE LAW. (Homily for September 5, 2016. Monday of the 23rd Week in Ordinary Time.)

Bible Study: 1ST Corinthians 5, 1 to 8 and Luke 6, 6 to 11.

There is a story of a house maid who was cleaning the sitting room one day and in the process, a very expensive piece of artefact slipped from her hands and fell. When the owner of the house saw it, he was so mad at her that he wanted to send her packing but for the kindly intervention of her parents who came to plead on her behalf. So he gave her a rule never to go near or touch anything in the sitting room of the house. This was a law she was determined to keep to the letter.

One day, the housemaid was alone and she noticed the smell of smoke coming out from the sitting room. There had been a minor electrical fault and an extension box was burning. However, given that she was told never to go near that particular place, she stood there watching until the whole house was on fire.

Just like this housemaid, we could become so determined to impress God by keeping the rules to the extent that we forget why the rules were made in the first place. We set people, families and relationships on fire in the name of holiness. When Jesus saw a man with a withered hand on a Sabbath day, he knew that even though the law forbade doing any work, the law never forbade doing good on a Sabbath day. And doing good (healing the sick), was far more important than refraining from work.

Looking at the reaction of his critics, the scribes and Pharisees, the fact that they were not happy to see the man with a withered hand healed, it simply shows that they had set a very important aspect of the law on fire – the love of one’s neighbour. When we judge others for the perceived “wrongs” they do, it is also important that we see the good sides of their actions as well.

Nonetheless, this does not mean that we should take on an attitude of condescension, that is, we should not assume that anything people do while breaking the law is okay. In today’s first reading St. Paul strongly condemns the evil of a man having to sleep with his own father’s wife. For a crime like this, there can be no justification whatsoever. In fact, our prayer each day is for us to understand better and better the mind of God as our responsorial psalm prays: Lead me Lord, in your justice.

Let Us Pray:
Lord Jesus, help me to observe not just the letter but the spirit of your laws. Amen.

Good morning. Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you.

Fr. Abu

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