THE RHYTHM OF LIFE. (Homily for September 23, 2016. Friday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time.)

Bible Study:  Ecclesiastes 3, 1 to 11 and Luke 9, 18 to 22.

Yesterday, our topic for reflection was the vanity of life, today, our topic is the rhythm of life. Yesterday we saw the emptiness of life, today we are looking at the fact that nothing lasts forever.

There is a time and a season for everything that happens. If it begins to rain this morning, it will not rain continuously for the next hundred days, the rain would stop and something else would take over.

Life happens in stages. There is morning time and then evening time, so also there is mourning time and rejoicing time. A time to plant in tears, but definitely a time to harvest with joy. NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH IN LIFE TODAY, JUST KNOW THAT IT WILL NOT LAST FOREVER.

There is a saying I love so much: When you are climbing a ladder, remember those you met along the way because you might need them while coming down. Today’s richest persons will definitely not be tomorrow’s greatest. The tide will change. It is not always going to be your turn forever. Even those children who once sucked your breast milk will be the ones to feed you tomorrow at old age. Life is in stages and seasons!

Jesus tells his disciples today that he would be handed over to the elders and the chief priests, that he would suffer many things, be rejected and killed. He was preparing their minds for a hard season of life. But at the same time, he knew that the better days would come.

Jesus is not afraid to approach the cross because of his absolute confidence in the resurrection. This is the same confidence we should have when we go through tough times. Whatever it is I am suffering today, one day will come that I would get down on my knees and say: “God, I thank you for allowing me to suffer those years.”

On this day, we remember a great Saint, one who had his own share from the very sufferings of Christ while he was still alive, a stigmata, a holy man who had the rare gift of being at two places at the same time, a great priest who could tell even the sins you were hiding from him at the confessional. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina drew thousands of pilgrims from all over the world while he was alive and today he continues to inspire millions.

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, give me grace to understand the rhythm of life that I may not be carried away by pride or crushed down by depression over what I am going through now. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you.

Fr. Abu

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