THE SHORTNESS OF LIFE. (Homily for September 24, 2016. Saturday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time.)

Bible Study:  Ecclesiastes 11, 9 to 12, 8 and Luke 9, 43 to 45.

From the vanity of life, we moved to the rhythm of life and now we proceed to another important bit of wisdom which is the shortness of life. Today, the author of the book of Ecclesiastes tells us: “Remember your creator while you are still young,” meaning, you are not going to remain young for so long.

Life is in stages but then, it is moves very fast. The worst mistake any person can make is to assume that there is time and if at all there is anything worth procrastinating, it shouldn’t be God.

Even today, I still come across many youths who make this same mistake; youths who engage in all sorts of immoral activities just for the “fun” of it in the name of: ABEEEGEEE, IT’S MY TIME JARRE. We believe there is time to change yet we forget that habits do not die easily. The only thing you are sure of is today and if you fail to repent now, there is no guarantee that tomorrow will ever come.

Just this week, we buried a priest who was barely two years in the priesthood. My dear youths, all we have is today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. If we don’t remember God now, we will never remember him again. Consider how King Solomon started, see what happened to him in the name of “enjoying life.” Learn from him and be wise!

Jesus is not carried away by those singing his praises. He is not puffed up with pride over the fact that people were marvelled at his sayings. He even warns his disciples not to allow their praise-singing enter their heads because these same people will soon be the ones to shout “Crucify him, Crucify him.”

Dear friends, don’t be carried away by your facial beauty, your figure eight shape or the fact that you are full of energy. Don’t be carried away by the praises people are showering on you. This is the time to prepare for old age. If you don’t get serious with God now, it might be too late!

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, increase my wisdom to act fast that I may not miss salvation. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. Happy Weekend.

Fr. Abu

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