PRAYER IS LIFE. (Homily for October 16, 2016. Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C.)

Bible Study: Sirach 35, 12 to 18. 2nd Timothy 4, 6 to 18 and Luke 18, 9 to 14.

What is your opinion about prayer? Do you see it as ‘work’, ‘disturbance’, ‘exercise’, ‘habit’ or just one of those things like the icing on the cake after the day’s more important activities? How much do you value the time you spend in praying? Honestly, there are many of us Christians who despite our religiosity consider time spent in prayer as wasted. Why do you think you are wasting the time you spend praying?

Of course, you will be quick to disagree with me and say you don’t think so about prayer. But, I bet to challenge you. I can prove it to you that you feel you waste the time you spend praying. How? Why is it that when something important comes up, you either shorten the time you had allotted to prayer or you totally skip it? Even self, how many of us have a time-table of daily activities that includes prayer? Why is it that the last time you really prayed was when you were going through a hard time or when some catastrophe broke out? You see, we do not pray as much as we eat food or drink water because we do not know that prayer is life.

Yes, Prayer is life. The more time you spend praying, the more powerful you are and the more life itself becomes worth it. A prayer-less Christian is a powerless Christian, he is like a person who does not eat or drink water. You dare not ask a person who has not eaten for 50days to challenge a heavy weight champion in boxing except you are asking for death. In the same way, a Christian who does not pray cannot challenge the devil and his agents in the daily battle of life.

Just as Moses stood in prayer thereby securing the victory in battle against the Amalekites, we children of God today must never, never, never drop our hands when it comes to prayer. The story of the Israelite defeat over the Amalekites which we hear in our first reading has been told for thousands of years now just to prove to us that prayer is not something we should ever toil with. This story has been told to make us have a different attitude to prayer; to make us see prayer as something that is just as essential as the air we breathe; to make us develop a love for prayer and to pray continuously.

Whenever Moses dropped his hands, the Israelites were been defeated. That is to say, the minute we stop praying, we are just like people holding their breath under water. We cannot survive for very long. When we look at the life of Jesus Christ on earth, we cannot but see the truth in the saying that prayer is life. Sing: Prayer is the key! Prayer is the key! Jesus started with Prayer and ended with Prayer. Prayer is the Master key.

From very early in the morning, Jesus would go to a very quiet place all by himself to pray. Before every miracle he worked, he prayed. At the end of each day’s activity, he would again withdraw to a quiet place and at times, spend the whole night alone prayer. (Note that Jesus did not use loudspeakers disturbing those who want to sleep). At every stage of his teaching, he was found praying to the extent that his disciples had to ask him to teach them how to pray and he taught them the “Our Father.” Matthew 6, 9 to 13.

At other times, Jesus taught us about prayer; how we are to pray in the privacy of our rooms – prayer is not something we use to show off our holiness (Matthew 6, 6); how we are not to use to many empty phrases in praying like the Hypocrites do – when we pray, we should behave as if God is deaf by shouting or saying things we don’t even understand. (Matthew 6, 7). Last Sunday, Jesus indirectly taught us to add thanksgiving whenever we pray. Recall the healing of the ten lepers? When only one came back to return thanks? Jesus was in a way teaching us the importance of giving thanks as part of prayer.

Today, Jesus is directly teaching us about prayer again. This time around, he stresses on the importance of PERSEVERANCE in prayer. The story of the woman demanding justice from the unjust judge not only highlights the fact that Judges can be corrupt as we have been made to understand with recent events here in Nigeria whereby some judges are not resting in detention, the story goes to show that persistence can and will always work in our favour.

It is not as if God is unjust or that he deliberately decides to withhold good things we ask for, No! God does not collect bribe from anyone. What Jesus is saying is that EVEN IF, mark my words, EVEN IF God did not plan to answer you or grant what you need, just because you keep asking continuously, one day, one day, God will change his mind and grant you what you are asking for. Yes, God can change his mind. Yes, God changed his mind when Moses interceded on behalf of the entire nation of Israel when they sinned by making the golden calf. God had planned to destroy them but Moses prayed and God changed his mind.

This woman wouldn’t have gotten justice from a judge who collects bribe, since she didn’t have the money as a poor widow but her persistence got her what she wanted. Jesus is saying that our persistence in prayer is a key to getting what we want from God.

Prayer is life. Pray always. Pray not just because you need something but because you need to talk to a God who so much loves you and deserves your time and attention. Prayer is a relationship. The rewards of prayer are not the things we are asking for, the real rewards or benefits we derive from prayer is that it lifts our minds and hearts out of this world. The time we spend in prayer is like time we spend in heaven, it is like each time we pray and pray well, we take a trip away from our worries and problems, we take a trip to the presence of God and his angels, we take a trip to a world where all things are possible and we become more relaxed, more energized, more hopeful and nourished. We even reach better decisions and we then act with superior wisdom.

Dear friends, let us begin to develop a love for prayer. Prayer is not something anyone should force you to do. No no no. No one forces you to drink water, you look for water once you are thirsty. In the same way, each time you feel worried, each time you are troubled in spirit, your soul is thirsting for water and that water is prayer. That water is the life of your soul. The less you pray, the more confused and troubled you are, the more you make mistakes in life and the more the enemy takes an upper hand over you. Payer is life. Never stop praying.

Our responsorial psalm today says: “our help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” This means, without God’s help, we are actually helpless creatures struggling to survive in a harsh world. And how do we get this help? Through Prayer. Dear friends, Prayer is life. Not to pray is to gradually commit suicide. It is like going out to war with bare hands without a single weapon.

Time spent praying is never wasted time, it is precious time; it is holy time. Let everything else wait, allocate time to pray and actually pray. Don’t use prayer time to think, plan and calculate other things while you are talking to God at the same time, that’s disrespectful. When you pray, engage both your mind, your heart and your entire being. Pray as if everything depends on prayer and you will be truly praying.

Finally, when we talk about prayer, it must be borne in mind that reading of the Bible is part of prayer. This is why St. Paul in encouraging us in our first reading today not to joke with the Bible or begin to argue about the Bible. He says: “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable … that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” 2nd Timothy 3, 16. Prayer is life. Reading of scripture is part of prayer. And without scripture, we are not complete human beings.

If today, you hear these words, harden not your hearts. Prayer is life.

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, you have taught me to love prayer as much as I love to eat, may I never neglect my prayer ever again. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. Happy Sunday.

Fr. Abu

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