FAITH NEVER GIVES UP. (Homily for November 12, 2016. Saturday of 32nd Week in Ordinary Time.)

Bible Study:  3RD John 1, 5 to 8 and Luke 18, 1 to 8.

I once read a story about the invention of the Electric Bulb. It goes thus: “When Thomas Edison was seeking to invent the electric light bulb, he didn't get it right the first time. But then, he didn’t immediately say, "I'm a big fat failure!" He didn’t throw his arms up in the air and sighed, "This is just too hard. I give up!"? He didn’t grab a bottle of booze and become an alcoholic…No. No. No!

“When it didn't work the first time, Edison made a note of exactly what he'd done and what components he had used. Then he made an adjustment to the experiment and tried again. And when that "failed" he made a note of that, readjusted and tried again. He kept learning from every experiment. He learned all the ways that it wouldn't work. He discovered all the chemicals and elements that wouldn't work. And each time he found a way that wouldn't work, he knew he was closer to finding a way that would work.

It took him approximately 10,000 experiments to invent the perfect set-up for the electric light bulb. There was a lot of learning to go through. Nobody had done it before. He couldn't read a book about it. He simply had to plug away, failing and learning, until he and his mockers worked out the right way to do it.” (See More at

Dear friend, it took ten thousand experiments to invent a single electric bulb. If it took that long for something physical, how much more something of true eternal value!

Jesus is telling us today that when we pray and we do not get instant answers to our prayer requests, we should not give up or assume praying is useless. We should never think praying is wasting time. Prayer never fails even when we do not get what we expect.

Thomas Edison never saw his experiments as failure. He kept trying new things because he believed he would eventually get it right. To pray consistently requires that much faith. You just have to believe your answers are coming! Keep going back on your knees.

Today we remember the martyr, St. Josaphat. He was killed because of his attempt to deepen the unity of the Church. Read more about him at

Let us Pray: Lord Jesus, may I never give up on you. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you.

Fr. Abu

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