WHO IS WORTHY TO WELCOME JESUS? (Homily for November 28, 2016. Monday of the First Week of Advent.)

Bible Study: Isaiah 4, 2 to 6 and Matthew 8, 5 to 11.

As we begin the season of Advent, our goal this period is to prepare our hearts spiritually to have the baby Jesus born again in us. In preparing our hearts for Jesus, it is important that we also imbibe the right attitude and disposition. This is the lesson we get to learn this morning from the Centurion who approached Jesus for healing.

It is not enough that we sweep our hearts free from bad thoughts or sinful desires. It is not enough that we live as shining examples of virtue. There is a way we can allow holiness get into our heads that we become proud unconsciously, even to the point of seeing ourselves as more important than others.

The words of the Centurion today are quite instructive: “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof…” The centurion knew his worth and importance among the people, he knew there were very many who would consider it a thing of honour to be invited to his house. But he also know that before God, he was nothing!

How many of us today realize this fact: that before God, we are nothing; that on a good day, none of us is even worthy to celebrate Christmas? Dear friends, the key to winning the heart of God is HUMILITY. Without a humble disposition on our part, our preparation for Christmas would amount to nothing. There is nothing God hates as much as Pride; the feeling that we are holier or more important than others.

Jesus himself shows the depths of his humility when despite being God, he agreed to take the lowly nature of a man. And as if this wasn’t enough, he chose to be born like a mere peasant, not even in a qualified hospital but among sheep and goats. Without this humble attitude, we would never be truly prepared for Jesus.

Let us Pray: Lord Jesus, grant me a lowly disposition of myself. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. Happy new week.

Fr. Abu.

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