NO JOY FOR THE BROOD OF VIPERS. (Homily for December 5, 2016. Monday of the 2nd Week of Advent.)

Bible Study: Isaiah 35, 1 to 10 and Luke 5, 17 to 26.

A person who cannot be happy at the fortunes of another has a serious problem. A person who is always out to criticize and find faults in everything and in everyone has a serious problem. A person who finds it difficult to praise God but complains all the time has a serious problem.

What is this serious problem? It is the sickness of the brood of vipers! In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus was in a house teaching the word of God and suddenly he felt the power of God within him to heal. Behold at that same time, four men assisted their paralytic friend to get to Jesus through the roof of the building. Jesus not only healed this man, he gave him a complete dosage of healing by forgiving his sins as well.

This was supposed to be an occasion for joy; a moment everyone in the building should put on their dancing shoes and begin to celebrate; a moment they ought to realize that standing before them was God in human flesh. No human being could do what Jesus did, no human being has the power to forgive sins committed against God unless God himself. Seeing that Jesus forgave this man his sins and cured him instantly means that Jesus is God and the fulfilment of all their expectation of the Messiah. His ability to do this meant that Isaiah’s prophecy had just come true. As our first reading today states: “The eyes of the blind shall be open, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then the lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute sing for joy.”

Apart from failing to see that God was right there in their midst, these brood of vipers failed to see the need to be happy for a man who had been paralysed for years and would no longer have to depend on begging for alms. Ordinarily you should assume that when something good happens to you, people should be happy for you. Isn’t it? That is why we celebrate as Africans; birthdays, marriages, new car, new house, new job, healing, recovery and so on. We are never too tired and never too poor to throw parties.

But then, the bitter truth is that there will always be persons sick of the brood of vipers’ disease us who do not believe we deserve to be happy. One symptom of this disease is the speed with which its victims detect errors and flaws here and there. Another symptom is that people sick of this disease are never happy! In fact they grow old quickly because of too much face squeezing and they die before their time.

Watch out when you begin to become too critical lest you miss Christ this Christmas. Everyone was happy because they saw God in human form, the brood of vipers were sad because they saw a young man speaking blasphemy! What an irony!

Let us Pray: Lord Jesus, may I be an instrument of joy this advent. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. Happy new week.

Fr. Abu.

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