The Courage to Stand Out – Dare to be different!

(Homily for February 14, 2017).

When God saw that the wickedness in the world had become too much, he decided to destroy all he had made and start all over again. Like a potter walking on a piece of clay, God saw that what the pot he intended to carve was not coming out as he wanted it so he decided to put down the job and begin again. However, in the midst of the evil that had become so pervasive, God took notice of one man; Noah. This guy was different from the rest of all humanity. The whole world was going left, only Noah dared to go right. Like the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, God was not willing to destroy the wicked alongside the good. God would not destroy Noah alongside the rest of humanity. This should be our consolation and encouragement to continue being good even when goodness has gone out of fashion in our world.

That “everybody is doing it” does not make it right. Dare to be different. Do not mind that you are going to become unpopular. Never compromise truth, justice and right living in the name of conformity. Yes, it take courage to stand out, it takes courage to be different and unique but this courage was what saved Noah. For his refusal to copy others, Noah was spared from destruction. When we stand out, people will shake their heads, they will try to advise us or go all the way to “help us out.” They would insult us and call us names such as “mad man/woman”, “holy holy”, “foolish” and so on. Think of the fact that for every sin, there must be a punishment and God will never allow you suffer for something you are innocent of. The fact that everybody else is walking in darkness and it seems all is well right now does not mean God will not eventually punish every single person for what he or she has done. So be different, be determined to stand out. Better that you are the only one going to heaven than you end up in hell or because of “follow follow”.

Today is Valentine Day and we all know how Satan takes advantage of a day like this to increase sin in the world in the name of celebrating love. Let the Noah-episode have an effect on every decision, word and deed you perform today. Your celebration of love does not have to involve sin. Do not follow the crowd. This was the same warning Jesus gave to the disciples when he said they should be careful of the bread of the Pharisees – the bread of hypocrisy. Basically, Jesus was saying: “be different from the Pharisees who use their ministry to deceive people.” The call to be different goes to everyone. In the office, in the market, in the games arena, wherever we function, there would always be bad eggs, let us be different.

Let us Pray: Lord Jesus, grant me the courage to stand out for good. Amen.

Saints Cyril and Methodius whom we remember today were brothers who worked hard to ensure the spreading of the Good news among the Slavonic people. Through their intercession, may God continue to inspire missionaries in our world today.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Tuesday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time. Bible Study: Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-10 and Mark 8:14-21).

Fr. Abu.

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