God Wants To See Your Efforts.

(Homily for March 8, 2017).

 Our readings today takes us all the way to the Assyrian city of Nineveh to which God sent Jonah to preach. The people’s immediate response of proclaiming a fast and turning from their sinful ways made God change his mind about the destruction of the people. The people of Nineveh became a paradigm of how a people should receive God’s prophets. They did not ask Jonah to show them a certificate of his authenticity neither did they ask him to work a miracle to believe. They simply accepted the message and did what was necessary.

In the Gospel passage, Jesus is so disappointed with the people because they wanted a sign from him in other to authenticate his message. Dear friends in Christ, let us learn from Nineveh to take our eyes off the messenger and focus on the message. It is an evil generation that demands for signs.

Secondly, we learn from Nineveh that nobody is above sin. From the greatest to the least, the entire town immediately went into fasting and prayer. It is not our place to judge others; let us look inwards this season of lent and repent of whatever evil that has been lurking in our lives.

Thirdly, we learn that God is merciful. Sin kills, sin destroys, sin leads to regret, pain and shame and ultimately sin brings death. Only God has what it takes to undo the effects of sin and spare us from suffering its consequences but this only happens when we repent. As the psalmist says: A broken and humbled heart, O God, you will not spurn.

Finally, God wants to see the efforts we are making. Repentance is not automatic, it involves a daily struggle and a determination on our part to change. God was moved by the efforts of the Ninevites. Their fasting, their seating upon ashes and wearing of sack clothes are symbolic of their desire for change. Let us never relax in our sins. The more efforts we put in to change, the more God helps to strengthen us against the battle and someday we can say goodbye forever to our current sins and addictions.

Let us Pray: Lord Jesus, may I never give up in my efforts to change. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Wednesday of the First week of Lent. Bible Study: Jonah 3:1-10 and Luke 11:29-32).

Fr. Abu.

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