Instruments of God’s Power.

Homily for September 27, 2017

In our Gospel passage for today, Jesus summons the Twelve Apostles and GAVE them POWER AND AUTHORITY over all demons and to cure diseases. He then SENT them to PROCLAIM the Kingdom of God and to HEAL the sick.

As Christians, our relationship with God makes us instruments of God’s power. The closer we are to God, the better the flow of this power through us to God’s people. Basically, we are intercessors for the people, like Ezra, our basic duty is praying for God’s people.

We make sacrifices on their behalf and take on vows such as celibacy, obedience and poverty so that we can be in good standing with God, have time for God and be less distracted by the world for his power to flow through us.

However, the fact that we have power and authority over demons and diseases does not make us magicians. We recognize that power comes from God not from ourselves and that answers to our prayers depends entirely on God.

Also, as instruments, we do not consider ourselves higher or better than the people so we never do anything to make them worship us. For instance, stepping on people’s heads or jumping on their backs in the name of healing is completely wrong.

Moreover, there is a sense of poverty that has to accompany the work of ministry. In the time of Jesus, he told his disciples not to carry a spare tunic, nor staff, nor bread, nor money and so on. This would translate today as not allowing money or material comfort become the central focus or primary objective of ministering to others.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, use me till there is nothing left. Amen.

Saint Vincent de Paul, Pray for us.

*Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Wednesday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time. Bible Study: Ezra 9:5-9 and Luke 9:1-6)*

Fr. Abu.

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