Our Love for the Things of the World is the cause of all our Troubles.

Homily for May 22, 2018.

“Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you men of double mind.” James 4:7-8.

The greatest enemy of any man is himself; his desires and ambitions for material greatness and worldly success. This is the root cause of all our problems. It is what brings division and quarrels among people and as James says, it is the reason why our prayers are not often answered.

In our Gospel passage this morning, we see this play out as the disciples of Jesus were arguing among themselves who was the greatest. Jesus had just told them how he would be delivered into the hands of men and killed but instead of reflecting on this, their ambition for greatness was almost tearing them apart.

If Jesus had not intervened by using a child to illustrate the true meaning of greatness, this would have been the beginning of bitter quarrels and fights among the disciples. St. James goes straight to the point when he said:

“What causes wars and what causes fighting among you? Is it not your passions at war in your members? You desire (to have, to be a leader, to drive the biggest car, to own the most expensive home, etc. etc.) and you do not have; so you kill. And you covet (envy the rich and powerful) and cannot obtain; so you fight and wage war.” James 4:1-2.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said: “seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.” Today, we who claim to be Christians seek first the things of this world while our aspiration for God’s kingdom and righteousness is only secondary. Check out any church banner today and you will see things like: “come and receive your miracle,” “God will do it for you” “it is your time for prosperity.” Etc.

Our worship of God today has been reduced to our quest for material goods and God sees our heart, he knows what we are really after when we come to him. As St. James says, this is the reason why our prayers are not granted. “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions… do you not know friendship with the world is enmity with God?” James 4:3-4.

What is the difference between a Christian who spends hours in the church fasting and praying for a Lamborghini miracle and an unbeliever who diligently employs his mind and creativity working day and night? Both are the same. Both are simply working for their stomachs using different strategies. Both belong primarily to the world. A materially minded Christian is an unbeliever in disguise! A man of God who craves the luxury of private jets, designer wears and “too much money” is just a business executive whose line of business (commodity) happens to be religion.

If the only reason why I remember to pray is to have my fill of the world’s goods, then I do not actually worship God, I worship what I think God can give to me. Our psalmist puts it clearly: “Entrust your cares to the Lord and he will support you.” Let God know your needs but know that your greatest need is God himself. There will never be a time that you will be satisfied completely with what this world has to offer. It is always going to be one achievement after another.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, purify my intentions; free me from the love of this world; teach me to love my neighbour as myself rather than engage in wars over material desires. Amen. St. Rita of Cascia; Pray for us.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Tuesday of the 7th Week in Ordinary Time. Bible Study: James 4:1-10 and Mark 9:30-37).

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