Lord, To Whom Shall We Go?

Saturday 10th May, 2019. Read Acts 8:26-40, Psalm 66 and John 6:44-51

_*“Jesus said to the twelve, ‘Do you also wish to go away?’ Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life’” (John 6:66-68)*_

The words of Peter in today’s Gospel passage calls for some deep reflection. When it comes to God, do we really have a choice? Is there an alternative to God? Where else can we find salvation for our souls? Dear friends, if we cannot find happiness following the footsteps of God, where else can we turn to?

The people walked away from Jesus and stopped following him because he told them he was going to give them his own flesh and blood instead of manna (ordinary bread) they were expecting. The question is: Did they eventually find manna?

Like those who walked away from Jesus, there are many times we walk away from God when our expectations are not met. How? We stop taking prayers seriously, we become less fervent with our devotional activities, or we turn aside from following our conscience and begin to commit sin all in the hope of finding happiness or something at least to soothe our pain.

Dear friends, no matter the reason why we may want to turn our backs on God, the truth is that THERE IS JUST NO ALTERNATIVE. St. Augustine said: “You have made us for yourself O God and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” We are made by God and made of God and made for God. Following God is not easy but it is the best option we have.

Do you notice that the same Peter who spoke in today’s Gospel passage is the Peter we see in today’s first reading working miracles in the name of God? Imagine if Peter had walked away from Jesus during that moment of shock when Jesus said they would eat his flesh?

We cannot always understand God, yet God deserves all our trust. Don’t quit on God. Don’t give up your prayers. Don’t drop that cross. It may look like Good Friday now but your Easter Sunday will come. No matter how dark the night is, the daylight must surely come.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, please give me courage to remain when I feel like giving up on you or quitting the race. Amen

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Saturday of the 3rd Week of Easter. Bible Study: Acts 9:31-42, Psalm 116 and John 6:60-69).

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