Repentance is working on Your Soil.

Wednesday 29th January 2020. Read 2nd Samuel 7:4-17, Psalm 89 and Mark 4:1-20.

_“But those that were sown upon the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.” *(Mark 4:20)*_ 

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus tells the parable of the Sower. Now, there is only one farmer and the seed sown is the same but there are different harvests because of the different soils which represent the nature of our hearts.

Some persons have sandy hearts. They receive the word of God daily but it bears no fruit in their lives. No sooner had they heard the message; they forget it as though it entered one ear and came out of the next.

Some people have rocky hearts; they receive seed with joy but have no roots. They are always excited in church, so emotional but their faith evaporates as fast as their emotions change. They cannot withstand trial.

Some people have thorny hearts; they really love God and they want to serve God but it happens that they also want to be like everybody else. They want those things the world considers valuable, delight of riches, fancy clothes, nice car, bumper bank account, etc. Their love for the world chokes up God’s word in them.

Then comes the category of people with a rich heart who can yield fruits with their life. These are people whose manner of life even in secret bears no contradiction with who they say they are.

Dear friends, true repentance is taking out the thorns and breaking away the rocks. I believe this is what Christianity is about. It is consistently working on yourself, bringing in the right soil, applying the water of devotion and prayer, till you become a saint.

David expressed his desire to build God a house and this pleased God so much that he showered him with so much blessings. David was not a perfect man but his heart represents the rich soil. David wanted a permanent structure for God’s house. What structures can you put in place in your life to sustain your repentance?

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, create in me a pure heart; a rich soil that I may bear fruits for your kingdom. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. (Wednesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time. Bible Study: 2nd Samuel 7:4-17, Psalm 89 and Mark 4:1-20).

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