Be Merciful! Be Merciful!! Be Merciful!!!

Tuesday 17th March 2020. Read Daniel 3:34-43, Psalm 25 and Matthew 18:21-35

_“You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you besought me; and should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?” *(Matthew 18:32-33)*_ 

From the time of Cain and Abel to this day, people have always been wicked to each other. If given the chance, we would destroy all life on earth just to fight others. A servant who owed his master a lot of money was forgiven of his debt but he could not forgive his fellow servant who owed him much less. This parable of Jesus is indeed an everyday reality in our world.

If God could be so gracious to forgive me whenever I cry for mercy, how come I cannot extend a hand of mercy to my fellow brothers and sisters when they ask? The servant in today’s Gospel passage threw his fellow servant into prison forgetting that just as his fellow servant lacked the capacity to pay back 100 denarii, he too also lacked the capacity to pay back the huge sum which he owed his master.

Why are we wicked to others who are not as powerful as we are yet every day, we go down on our knees to pray to the All-Powerful God? Why do we often forget the log in our eye and start chasing after the speck in other people’s eyes? How come we readily hunt people down for the wrongs they did to us not minding that we ourselves have done greater wrongs to God?

The next time you feel tempted to deal with someone, think about your life and how much God could have dealt with you for your wrongdoings and sins. Cool down, forgive someone today. Offer that pain or that hurt in atonement for your own offences to God. Let not anger drive you to do something to your neighbour that God himself would not do to you.

See how the story ends. The Master of the Servant upon hearing what he did to his fellow servant ordered that he delivered to the jailers till he should pay his debt. Being wicked, uncaring and unsympathetic to others may seem like the normal thing to do but the simple truth is that it always backfires.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, help me conquer my pride and learn to forgive others. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Tuesday of the 3rd week of Lent. Bible Study: Daniel 3:34-43, Psalm 25 and Matthew 18:21-35).

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