What Is Happening in My Mind?

Tuesday, 13 February 2024. Read James 1:12-18, Ps. 94:12-15,18-19, Mark 8:14-21

“Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’. God cannot be tempted with evil, and he tempts no one, but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his desire.” (James 1:13-14)

A few days ago, we read the passage where Jesus taught that bad thoughts are worse than bad food. Whatever we eat cannot defile us, but the thoughts we accommodate within our minds defile us. Jesus noted that all sinful deeds come from our minds. Today, St. James corroborates Jesus’ teaching. He says: “Each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his desire.” (James 1:14). In other words, the devil that we often accuse of causing temptations lives within us (in our minds). This ‘devil’ that we carry everywhere is called desires. We tempt ourselves with our desires. So, what exactly is going on in my mind?

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus is disappointed with his disciples for failing to understand his parable. While Jesus warned against the “bread” of the Pharisees (recall that in yesterday’s Gospel passage, the Pharisees were asking for a sign), the disciples thought that since they didn’t have enough bread (food) with them, Jesus was warning them to avoid Pharisees’ loaves. The disciples were listening to Jesus but didn't get his message because of what was going on in their minds. Let us now consider today’s lessons.

1. To Know Your Next Temptation, Name Your Desires: The most difficult question is: “What do you want?” Ninety-nine per cent of the time, the things we want are forbidden because we are too ashamed to mention them. Do you want an end to your temptations? Stop pretending; identify your desires. You can only win a war when you know who you are fighting against. Stop the blame game. Since Adam and Eve, we have always pointed fingers at others as the cause of our sinfulness. It is time to face the truth: Neither God nor the devil is to blame but our desires.

2. The Stronger the Desire, the Bigger the Temptation: Do you notice that you often go certain days without eating, but on the day you choose to fast, food becomes irresistible? Since our temptations come from our strongest desires, the best way to weaken their power over us is to create new desires. For instance, if your desire to grow spiritually is not as strong as your desire to “have fun,” you cannot make progress; you start a new program, and in less than one week, you return to your old ways. Whatever you hope to achieve, you must desire it passionately.

3. Every Good and Perfect Gift Comes from God: Jesus turned to God for help by repeating God’s words aloud during his temptations. When Jesus was hungry, he strongly desired food and wanted to turn stones into bread. By quoting what God has said (“Man shall not live by bread alone”), Jesus had a change of mind. Using this pattern, Jesus overcame all three temptations. Study the Bible concerning your deepest desires. Find out what God has said concerning them. Repeat God’s words aloud, and the devil (your ungodly desires) will flee from you.

4. Pray To Understand God’s Word: Like the disciples of Jesus, we could study the scriptures (hear God’s voice) without grasping the meaning as it affects our lives. This way, we become like seeds which fell along the road path. On the other hand, we may find ourselves resisting the truth in God’s word by trying to find an interpretation that justifies our sinful behaviour. By so doing, God’s word fails to achieve its purpose of transforming us. In studying God’s word, let us constantly pray that the Holy Spirit would enlighten us so that our study will bear fruits (help us resist sin).

5. Fear Not, God Knows How To Provide Whatever Is Needed: Do not let your lack distract you. Seek God’s kingdom first, and everything else will be provided.

Let us pray: Almighty, ever-living God, open my eyes to understand your word and not be carried away by false interpretations. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Tuesday of week 6 in Ordinary Time. Bible Study: James 1:12-18, Ps. 94:12-15,18-19, Mark 8:14-21).

@Rev. Fr. Evaristus E. Abu

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