The Blessing of Thanksgiving.

Homily for Monday 24th December 2018, Morning Mass
_“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people, and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David.” *(Luke 1:68-69)*_

In our Gospel passage today, we come across that beautiful song which Zechariah sang in thanksgiving to God for the release of his speech after he had named John the Baptist. Zechariah who did not believe it was possible for him to be a father at his age had to confess that indeed there is no one like God when he saw with his own eyes the son that was born to him.

Zechariah’s song of Thanksgiving is also known as the Benedictus. It is a song that incorporates the entire history of the chosen people of God, a song that points God out as a promise keeper, a miracle worker, a mighty warrior, a God who delivers us from the hands of our enemies, a God of righteousness and holiness.

This is the song we sing every day as part of our morning prayers in the breviary. No matter what you may be going through, sing this song of Zechariah and your confidence in God will surely be reawakened.

There is an aspect of the song of Zechariah which connects us with our first reading. Zechariah declares that God has visited and redeemed his people and has raised up a horn of salvation in the house of his servant David. Who is this David? That same young man whom God took from being a shepherd boy to the position of King of Israel.

God loved David so much yet David was not without his personal weakness and limitations. Many times David erred but he always returned to ask for mercy. There is something that David did in today’s first reading that really made an impression in the mind of God. David expressed his desire to build a befitting house for God when he noticed that he was living in a house of cedar but the ark of God was dwelling in a tent.

David was willing to build the best of the best temple anyone could ever imagine not simply because he had the resources but out of his humility. He did not feel comfortable living in a palace of comfort while the house of God was not up to standard. David wanted to build for God in thanksgiving; that is, in acknowledgement of what God had done for him by raising him from nothing to glory.

Eventually, God told Nathan the prophet that David would not have the honour of building His house. However, for merely expressing his desire to build God’s house, (for the mere fact that David was humble enough to give God thanks), God showered so many blessings on David. The blessings God gave to David even extended beyond his own lifetime and part of this blessing was the promise of one because of whom David’s kingdom and throne would become established forever.

Dear friends, it is not what you give to God that matters but the ATTITUDE you put into the giving. Jesus Christ was impressed with the widow not because she gave so much but because she gave with faith. God was impressed with David not because he built God’s house but because he expressed his unhappiness about the state of God’s house. We cannot buy God’s blessing (everything in this world already belongs to God) but we can draw His attention towards us when we show concern towards the development of the Church which is a mark of His Presence among men.

As we celebrate Christmas, let us flavour our festivities with an inner sense of gratitude like David. Let the song of Zechariah become our chorus because God is truly great, God is a promise keeper, a deliverer, a merciful Father.

Let us Pray: Lord Jesus, may I be a part of the blessings of David. Amen.

Happy Sunday. Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Monday 24th December. Bible Study: 2 Samuel 7:1-16, Psalm 89:2-29 and Luke 1:67-79).

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