Awoof Dey Run Belle (Greed Kills)

Tuesday 22nd June 2021. Read Genesis 13:2.5-18, Psalm 15 and Matthew 7:6.12-14 

“If you take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if you take the right hand, then I will go to the left. Lot saw that the plain of the Jordan was well watered everywhere like the garden of the LORD… So Lot chose for himself all the plain of the Jordan… thus they separated from each other.”(Genesis 13:9-11)

Would you dare to be the last man standing if you have to divide a piece of property between yourself and your cousin? Especially when it appears your cousin is now choosing the better part (or the part that appears to be better)?

Would you dare to be the last man standing when everyone around you is going left? From where do you derive your sense of worth, from the beautiful things of life you possess or from your relationship with God?

Jesus tells us today: “Enter by the narrow gate for gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction and those who enter by it are many.” Do not follow the crowd. The fact that something is trendy does not mean you must be part of it. The fact that all your friends are doing it and society considers it okay does not make it right. You should ask: “Is it in accord with God’s words?”

We live in a society that believes it can ignore God completely and still find happiness. We live in a society where people are ready to do anything, even sell their own organs just to afford the beautiful things of this temporal world; the same beautiful things that Lot saw and chose.

Lot, like many Christians today choose material prosperity over spiritual prosperity. Lot knew that the men of Sodom were “wicked, great sinners” but he didn’t mind. Christian preachers would not even dare mention the word “sin” but would spend hours teaching people how to make money, how to live big and achieve financial freedom.

Truth must be told, the gospel of prosperity has only helped to produce more greedy Christians than ever before – Christians who will see all the red flags of a scam and still convince themselves that God is about to bless them.

Abram’s behaviour is worth commending. First, God called him alone but he choose to go with Lot. Lot became rich by his association with Abram but soon Lot’s wealth became so much that there was now a quarrel between his servants that those of Abram. Still, it was Abram who sued for peace. He asked Lot to choose first. Abram was willing to settle for less so long as Lot was happy. Abram was not greedy.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, help me to choose right, to stand by you even if the world around me falls to evil. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Tuesday of week 12 in Ordinary Time. Bible Study: Genesis 13:2.5-18, Psalm 15 and Matthew 7:6.12-14).

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