The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.

Homily for May 24, 2017.

In a few days from now, we shall be celebrating the Solemnity of Pentecost. Hence, our Gospel passage recalls how Jesus prepared the minds of his disciples to receive the Holy Spirit.

As we reflect on Jesus’ words, we get to a deeper and clearer understanding of who the Holy Spirit is. In yesterday’s Gospel passage, Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as a Counsellor; someone who gives us advice and offers direction when we are troubled, confused or depressed.

Today, Jesus calls the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. Jesus had many things to say but he could not say them because the disciples did not have the capacity to bear them. But the Holy Spirit would explain those things to them.

Put simply, to have the Holy Spirit is to become aware of certain truths that are not often within the reach of the ordinary man. The Holy Spirit is indeed a teacher; he exposes certain deep spiritual realities and enables us to understand scriptures better.

Dear friends, the question is: If the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, why then do we Christians tell lies? Can I possibly have the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Lies inside me at the same time? Is the habit of telling lies not an indication that I do not have the Holy Spirit?

Jesus even added that the Holy Spirit would glorify him. If I really possess the Holy Spirit, how come I am not able to bring glory to God by my thoughts, weeds and deeds? Does telling lies give glory to God? Why don’t I shame the devil by saying the truth at all times?

Paul preached to the Athenians laying his foundation on the altar they built to an unknown God but his message fell on deaf ears; many people tuned off the moment he talked about Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. They couldn’t fathom the resurrection because they lacked the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray for a fresh outpouring the Holy Spirit daily in our lives so as to cast away from ourselves the spirit of telling lies. Let us strive to remain always filled with the Holy Spirit that our very lives may glorify God.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, may I be fully prepared to receive the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Wednesday of the 6th week of Easter. Bible Study: Acts 17:15.22-18:1 and John 16:12-15).

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